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It's Character Interview Week on Open Book Blog Hop. Do you have a character you have or would like to interview and share? We would love to get to know your characters better.


Today we are interviewing Elder Paige Morganson from My Beauty For Your Ashes. Elder Morganson is one of four main characters in this Christian fiction novel and in this first session of our interview with her we will be focusing on her and her past.

Welcome Elder Paige Morganson. It’s nice to have you here today.

Thank you. It’s an honor to be here. I’m happy you chose me to represent My Beauty For Your Ashes today.

When we first come upon you in My Beauty For Your Ashes you are standing outside of a church. Why do you think Traci chose to start at that point?

Well, without giving too much away, I believe she chose that moment because for me it was the closing of a door of sorts in my life. I was seeking peace and strength to put the key in the lock, metaphorically speaking. I was about to eulogize my cousin’s funeral and I was really just asking God to help me give the message He and my cousin wanted me to give without putting too much of me in it.

What was so important about this eulogy? I’m sure as an Elder you serve in funerals, even with it being a family member.

I think the fact that it was a family member was part of the reason for its importance, but mostly it was due to the fact that this particular family member raped me when I was 13.

Wow! How could you do that eulogy?

Believe me, it wasn’t easy. In fact, I hadn’t even spoken to him until a few months before his death when he called me, told me he was dying and asked me to eulogize his funeral.

That was bold of him. And you just agreed to do it?

I’m part of my church’s Sick and Visitation Committee and I have prayed for plenty of people who were or thought they were on their death bed. There is nothing they won’t ask. They don’t feel like there is any time to be timid about that they want.

To answer your other question; I didn’t immediately agree, but not because I hadn’t forgiven him or couldn’t stand the thought of him. I told him I didn’t eulogize funerals. To me funerals meant that the deceased didn’t know where they were going after their soul left their earthly body. There was a good chance they had not asked Jesus into their heart before they passed away. I told him Christians had ‘Going Home’ Services, because that was exactly what they were doing; going home to be with the Lord.

Thankfully he did accept Jesus in his heart before he passed.

So, did it give you what you needed? Did it serve as a closed door?

Yes, and no. Ha ha. I got the reassurance that I could deliver a message without my bias due to my experiences with the person, getting in the way. I truly felt as though I’d forgiven him and been relieved of the anger and despair I felt when I thought about him.

The reason it didn’t serve as a closed door, was because the rape resulted in a pregnancy of twins and even though I thought one died at birth and the other was taken by my sister I knew it was time to acknowledge my child as my own and reunite with her.

Oh boy… How long has your sister taken care of your daughter?

Gladys is 12 and my sister has had her since she was born.

Really. Why so long and why tell her now?

It took quite a while before I was able to cope with the anger and pain I felt when I saw her. I know it wasn’t her fault, but she reminded me of my cousin and every foul and unfair thing that happened to me since that horrible day. It was so bad, I couldn’t even deal with it in my head and if it weren’t for a friend inviting me to a special youth service, I wouldn’t be here today.

A kindly old woman took me aside as soon as she saw me and loved on me. She told me things about myself that no one else would know and that God adored me and wanted me to know that my life mattered.

She didn’t know it, but I was at my end. My plan was to leave that service and end my life, but that woman talked to me until I was able to catch hold to a piece of hope that my life whole would not be full of torment and pain.

I came back to that church many times before I asked Jesus into my heart and received salvation, and once I received the Holy Spirit there was a relationship that I developed with God that gave me peace and helped me confront the memories without the fear of experiencing overwhelming pain.

I have to admit that it is more my sister’s idea that I tell Gladys that I’m her mother. My sister thinks she is old enough to understand and she didn’t want to go on too much longer without telling her. I understand her reasoning and I know it’s the right thing to do. I am just hoping to do it in a way that lets her know that she is beautiful and loved.

I hope so as well.

We are at the end of this session, but readers don’t despair. We will have more questions for Elder Morganson in the 2nd part of this interview where we will touch on the two men vying for her attention in My Beauty For Your Ashes. Come back Sunday, November 8th for the conclusion.

P.J. Fiala is givng us an indepth look at Danny from Danny's War, which is now available. I'm excited about getting a peek into this character, so I'm heading over there now.

Danny's War is now available!

An artist, a veteran, and a motorcycle….nothing could be better. Returning home from war a changed man is difficult for Danny Schaefer. Losing his leg and then his girlfriend made him feel like he’d never be whole again. Then he meets Tammy Davis, a vivacious beauty burdened with a secret betrayal that has left her shaken and wary. Tammy mends her wounds by painting; Danny is searching for his own way.

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November 4 – November 10, 2015: Share and tell why you like a favorite movie--perhaps a classic and/or a recent?

Rules: 1. Link your blog to this hop. 2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop. 3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants' blogs. 4. Tweet/or share each person's blog post. Use ‪#‎OpenBook when tweeting. 5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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